Sunday Funday! - NAKED snowboarding, kitesurfing, skateboarding, yoga and surfing!!

Sunday Funday! - NAKED snowboarding, kitesurfing, skateboarding, yoga and surfing!!

Some people prefer to practice their boardsports in the buff. Hey, who are we to disagree?!


Alot of people saw this one a year or so back but here's the extended version of NAKED SNOWBOARDING:

There is NOTHING better than being naked in the ocean....everyone should try NAKED SURFING at least once!
This chick is rad. NAKED SURF & YOGA on the beach

NAKED KITESURFING seems to involve a high risk-factor for chaffing but hey, I'm willing to try if you are:


NAKED SKATEBOARDING is a scary prospect but luckily these girls actually fucking rip:

And last but not least, one for the ladies. NAKED MAN SKATEBOARDING. Nice sock placement!



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